Friday, January 10, 2014

"You're so vain- you probably think this post is about you...."

Does anyone else hear that song and immediately think of Kate Hudson's tone-deaf karaoke on "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days"? .... Just me? Ok, nevermind.

Anyyyway, in my last post I dropped a little teaser about a vanity I rehabbed for my bestie BK. She recently moved into her own apartment for her dietetic internship and was on the hunt for some small pieces for her new digs. I had this little baby in the garage and she thought it would fit perfect in the space!

Originally, this little French Provincial number looked like this: 

... I used to carry all of my hair supplies in that pink Craftsman tool tote. Don't judge me. 

Cute, right? 

But, she wanted it to be antique white and distressed with a little brown showing through. 

Here's the catch; this piece isn't solid wood. There were a lot of French Provincial style pieces manufactured in the 60's and 70's.... that were made with laminate (read: SATAN) on top of the wood. 

So, I had to use what I call the "fake it 'til ya make it" technique. Since I couldn't get the finish to be brown (to resemble real wood), I had to go through the following steps: 

1. Sand the laminate with 240 grit sandpaper to help the paint adhere
(tip: don't ever use anything less than 220 grit on laminate. The lower the grit, the more harsh the sandpaper is. Low grit sheets will just scratch the surface and it will most likely show through your paint. YUCK!)

2. Clean ALL the sawdust with TSP (or similar cleaner)

3. Apply a primer to help bond the paint to the laminate. I typically use Zinsser Bulls Eye, but there are several other brands that work just as well like Kilz. 

4. THEN, here's the sneaky part- I painted the entire piece in two coats of brown paint. This base coat will give the effect that the piece itself is brown when we distress our top coat.

5. Then, I applied my antique white paint. It took about 3 coats to cover up the brown. 

6. Now the fun starts :) I distressed the piece, starting with the edges and working in with 3 various grits of sandpaper. On this one I used 220, 100 and 60 grit. I also used a mixture of single sheets of sandpaper and an electric palm sander. 

If you're not sure how much you want a piece distressed, just start with the edges and gradually add some chippy spots as you feel comfortable. Your distressing will NEVER look the same, so be ok with imperfections. (Isn't that the point of distressing anyway?)

Also, when you're working with different layers of paint, make sure to sand lightly. If you press too hard you risk taking off your base color (in our case, brown). 

7. After I cleaned it with another round of TSP, I slathered on two coats of Polyurethane to seal it.

I usually use Polyacrylic to seal my pieces, because it dries clear. But, the white paint I chose did not look as "antiqued" as I'd hoped so I opted of polyurethane instead as it had a tendency to dry a little yellow. 

After all of that, this is what the final result looked like: 

And the best part.....

You can close the mirror and hide all your beauty junk when you're done! 

I'm taking this beaut up to her in Wichita Falls this weekend. While I'm there we're gonna be on the lookout for a cute stool and maybe some funky drawer liner.

I hope she likes it and I can't wait to see it in its new home. 

Here we goooo!
Of course it's raining today so I can't take it in the bed of the truck.. good thing it fits in Grey Goose's backseat!

Have a great weekend everyone! God bless!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Harris girls' nest post-Christmas....

Well this weekend I begrudgingly took down all of our Christmas decorations. Knowing this was my last weekend before my night classes started up again, I was determined to be productive. And baby was I! I managed to de-Christmas the house, fix the fence that our devil dogs tore up (again), clean the kitchen, clean and reorganize my entire room AND closet (bigger task than it sounds), go to the gym both days, go to Church AND finish up a piece of furniture for my college roomie and best frand (I'll post about that tomorrow). I have to say I was mighty proud of myself for not sitting on my bum and binge watching Netflix... because that's definitely what I wanted to do instead. 

I thought it would be fun to post pictures of me and Robynne's house post-Christmas! Especially since we just bought a new (to us) couch. Let's just say that 3 big dogs + 1 puppy + a white slipcover couch = not good. It was time for that thing to go. I was so embarrassed by the slipcover I even put it on Craigslist for free- naked!

A few months ago I posted about how different our tastes are (you can read it here). I'm very rustic  and neutral and she's more (read: A LOT MORE) colorful and funky. I'm not really sure what you would consider our combined decorating style- "broke post-grad" fits pretty well though. My boyfriend told me he saw on House Hunters that it was called "Modern Rustic"... so I guess we'll go with that for now. :)

Anywho... here goes! 

Living Room: 
Well hi there, new Ikea couch! And I spy 3 doggie noses....
She looks so peaceful... if only that were the case
Rob always finds the CUTEST pillows! Too bad the dogs would eat these for lunch... we keep them off the couch when it's just us at home

Print from - I LOVE all of their stuff
I am a candle junkie. My latest favorite is "Leather and Lace" by Heavenly Scents. I get mine at The Rhinestone Cowgirl boutique in Bastrop, Tx! I get the matching car fresheners too!

We love our "Ikea Hack" shelf- 3 bottles of spray paint later, an ugly black Ikea shelf turned into this pretty little gem
..... did I mention I like gold spray paint? Now I'm thinking it needs some glitter

Oh how I love Stephanie Creekmur! You should:
#1 - go download this print FOR FREE here
#2 - go to her shop and buy everything
This is my old lady, Darcy. :)
Rob found this on Craigslist! We REALLY want to try to paint the upholstery like this but we haven't gotten the guts up yet! So for now.. we'll say it's Valentines Themed? 

Ok so this cool card catalog is in the kitchen (thanks mom!). But to paint or not to paint, that is the question

My room...

(I'll post pictures of the sis's room after she cleans it....)

Sorry for the blurry iPhone pic...

So these are my "Pounds Lost" and "Pounds to lose" jars. Unfortunately there are a lot more corks in the "Pounds to lose" jar. I'll get there though! Pretty inconspicuous, huh?

I used Annie Sloan paints for this desk redo- and that chippy old chair was $15 at Goodwill!

This area needs some some SERIOUS WORK. I'm such a clutter bug.. .My plans are to simplify and do something more like the picture below... what do you think? 

And then these little diddies in my bathroom...

My mom painted that antique silver tray with chalkboard paint, so I change the message every so often.
Also, I tend to leave dead flowers in vases for months because I just hate getting rid of them! Now I've started storing the dried pedals in apothecary jars and setting them around the room instead. 

Found that groovy vintage cart at an estate sale! I was hunting for something like it after I saw this on Pinterest...

It's not always easy to find good stuff on a small budget, but we've learned to see the beauty in thrifty little pieces of junk! A little spray paint can go a looooong way!

Stop by tomorrow because I'll be posting a before-and-after of a little French vanity I rehabbed for miss BK!

 Thanks and God Bless :)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The whirlwind that was December ...

November and December are a complete blur in my mind. I think I probably made a trip to every single city in the state of Texas for weddings, birthdays and holiday events over the past two months. My family took a trip to Disneyland (whoo!), there are MAJOR changes happening at work, I turned 24, got a nasty strand of the flu and somehow managed to survive another semester of grad school. And I thought I was busy in college.... ha! 

In the midst of the hectic holiday season, my sister/roomie/P.I.C. and I did manage to add some Christmas cheer to our small little rent house. We repurposed some trinkets we already had, used the few items I purchased last year and bought the rest with Home Depot gift cards we'd been saving up (thanks Mom!). Not to be a Grinch, but fake trees and cute glittery junk is expensive! Christmas would be a lot more fun if everything at Hobby Lobby were free.... I'm just sayin'. Anywho, here are a few pictures:

They may or may not still be up right now... just kidding, they definitely are (and probably will be for at least another week). 

Burlap tree skirt tutorial:
(be prepared to lose all of your fingerprints when hot gluing those strips of burlap!)
"Merry Christmas" garland:
"Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" chalkboard printable:
"Joy to the World" free chalkboard printable:
"NOEL" Letters all came from Hob Lob :)
"Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" chalkboard printable:

I had big plans for that loveleigh Dear Lillie printable, but I printed it the wrong size for the frame and then ran out of time. So that baby got taped to the wall. Next year I'll put it to good use!
(That ugly fake fireplace needs a screen bad, we know)
Ok, I know it's not a "reindeer", but it's chevron and glittery and we love it so we're calling it a reindeer :)

Free Deer Silhouette printable

Though they are but few, these little touches really made our house feel homey for the holidays. 

I also managed to complete a custom order just in time to deliver it on Christmas Eve! They found this HUGE dining room table (think 6 chairs and TWO leaves) at Round Top and requested a distressed turquoise finish. 

That bad boy took 2 rounds of sanding, two new coats of stain, two coats of turquoise paint, one more round of sanding and 3 coats of sealant! 

(Ask Robynne how she felt about me doing all that sanding in the middle of our kitchen. There were DUNES of sawdust after I swept and everything in the house was completely coated. But, in my defense, I had the flu and it was FREEZING outside. Maybe when I "grow up" I'll have my own workshop with AC and heat.... just maybe.)

Here's the finished product: 

I think the dainty shape of the pieces paired with the rustic finish made for a perfect combination of both country and feminine! What do you think? 

She's not sure what she wants to recover the seats in yet, but I can't wait to see what she chooses! 

I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and is excited and positive about what 2014 will bring! I know I am beyond thrilled for a fresh start. Maybe I'll add "post more on the blog" to my continually growing list of resolutions... :) 

God Bless!