Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A blogging rookie's first post- French desk redo!

Welp- here goes nothing. I've never made a blog post before, so don't judge too harshly! I mainly wanted to start this little thing to give myself a more professional outlet to post my furniture pieces than my personal Facebook and Instagram. Plus, I think my friends were starting to get annoyed with these kinds of posts.

So, my first "official" Such LoveLeigh Design piece to post is this two-toned French Provincial drop-leaf desk and chair. I got this beauty from a creepy old man on Craigslist (aren't they all?) and I practically had to pry it out of his fingers. PS- he was nearly 70 and wearing the shortest Jorts I've ever seen.... but anyway...

It started out looking like this....(already gorgeous)

... and this is what it looks like after I gave it a shabby little face-lift.

I've been on an antique-white-and-natural-stain kick for awhile now, but I just love that combination! I'll venture out more here soon... maybe.

This is currently on Craigslist in the Austin area listed here: http://austin.craigslist.org/atq/4075971957.html

After I figure out how in the WORLD to ship furniture on Etsy, my shop will be up and running.. don't hold your breath :)

God Bless!


  1. Beautiful!!! Someday...when we settle again...I would love to look at some of your pieces!! Love you bunches!

    1. Thanks Jennifer!! I know- I wish we saw each other more :/ Love you bunches back!
